Wednesday 8 June 2011


This weekend I had three days off so decided to hook up with my friend Kin in Llanberis. Kin and I had never climbed together so we decided to head to Gogarth Main Cliff (what? made sense at the time). This was the first time I had climbed on the main cliff, pretty impressive! and a bit scary. Actually the most scary/dangerous part of the day was the traverse across the cliffs to get to the base of the routes... I tried to concentrate on not slipping and not think of my body tumbling down the cliff and being dashed on the rocks below, morbid :) ha ha. It was a perfect day weather wise and I enjoyed some great belays bathed in afternoon sun, the sea washing over the rocks below. We climbed Imitator - VS4c and Bezel - VS5a. Both felt hard and unrelenting - I think that's the character of the main cliff. I led the first pitch of Bezel but was happy to hand the reigns back to Kin for the last pitch. We started quite late in the day and only climbed two routes, but by the time we topped out at around 10pm, I felt totally wiped out. A good hard day, must get stronger!